Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

It's because of you--> my D

Ibaratnya jantung hati
tersayat pedang tajam
betapa sakitnya
ku rasakan itu
Dan kini aku tahu ku sangat
begitu dalamnya aku sungguh MENCINTAIMU

a piece of lyric padi's song

Kayaknya berlebihan banget yah,rasa sakitnya samapai kaya jantung hatinya kena pedang kalau beneran uda mati tuh xp
but, it doesn't matter cause it's just a song
you know the best way when someone feel broke,falling in love,jealous,sad or the other is write some words then make it as one song.
hmm,like what I feel now
I don't know, you can call me too much
but I do this cause my love is to biggest to disclosed
I'm trying to face this with a cool expression and positive thingking
but unfortunaely I can't
You are my sweetest thing I had
so don't force me to wipe away of this feeling
sorry if what I do will be hurt you
but I want you to remember this
I want you to keep it
I will always love you and I will always do
The most beautiful moment in my life is now with you and the most beautiful person I ever had was you
Just <3 you --> my D :)


what a beautiful rose,right?
Cantik banget.Bunga yang paling disukain sama banyak cewek ,yakin deh
bentuknya cantik,warnanya cerah,harum lagi
siapa yang nggak suka?ah rugi yang nggak suka hhe
Malem-malem mood nggak bagus udah gitu nothing I can do
ngebuat tiara jadi mikir yang macem-macem, termasuk yang satu ini
If there's someone asked me-->how do you feel when someone give you a rose?it's like when romeo give a rose to juliet.
Kayaknya yang ngasih rose tu bukan hanya romeo doang, hhe ceritanya didramatisir tu pertanyaan
ah,tapi tetep aja tiara nggak akan bisa jawab pertanyaannya.
No one ever give me a rose
You know what. maybe I'd rather choose rose than doll xp
terserah sih. itu kan pendapatnya relatif
ada yang lebih suka dikasih bonekalah,bajulah,jam tangan atau apapun itu
tapi kalau tiara boleh milih tiara pengen rose, hhe
aneh ya mau dikasih malah nawar.
allright it's just one of my wish
tapi yang jelas rose is the most beautiful flowers.each petal of rose will bring love, every fragrance that it sowed will bring peace and every roses that you hold is a beauty that has no limit